5 Ways to Improve Your Holidays (including your Mental Health!)

5 Ways to Improve Your Holidays (including your Mental Health!)

December can bring a wide range of feelings and emotions... from joy and excitement, to stress and sadness, and everything between.

While bringing 'peace on Earth' and 'joy to the world' might be a bit more challenging, here are 5 ways YOU can have greater peace of mind and a more enjoyable time this year!

#1. Instead of giving gifts, give your time.

Replacing physical gifts with quality time will not only reduce your stress, but you'll spend the time with the person instead of spending hours trying to find them something they probably don't need. Grab coffee or a meal instead! If they are long distance, plan a trip or a fun Zoom call.

You can also let the people on your “gift list” know that instead of buying gifts, you’ll be donating the money to your favorite charity and including their name on the donation.

Another meaningful idea for people you love that are far away: you can record a video or write them a personal letter letting them know how important to you they are.

Pro tip: Be sure to tell people you would rather spend quality time with them than give gifts - most of them will be relieved! (I’ve done this for 8 years and - gasp! - all my friends & family still love me!)

#2. Know yourself & plan accordingly.

You know yourself best - what stresses you out and what "fills your cup." Make sure you're building in down-time, or if you get lonely, be pro-active making plans. Set boundaries with certain people. Stay away from unhealthy situations or triggers. Do things that support your mental health! Click here for a list of ways you can take care of your mind, body, and spirit (including mental and physical health) every day!

#3. H. A. L. T. T.

Don't have any serious conversations or make any big decisions when you're:






Don't ignore people, just ask to schedule time later to talk about it, when you can be fully present. It's also best to avoid intense conversations under the influence!

Pro tip: Don’t put off difficult conversations, the longer you avoid talking about an issue, the more it’s going to grow and fester.

#4. Breathe & drink water.

You might be rolling your eyes, but don't sleep on these 2 powerful activities that can calm our nervous system & reduce stress!

Take breaks or set reminders during your day to take 5 deep breaths. If you're in a stressful situation or heated discussion, pause and take a few deep breaths before responding - and heed the advice of #3 and ask to schedule a talk for another time if you can.

And as for water - here’s your official reminder to stay hydrated this holiday season! Drinking water has so many benefits for our health, like increased energy, improved brain performance, aiding digestion, flushing toxins, and helping to prevent over-eating.

#5. Take time away from your phone.

Schedule "no phone" times during the holidays... both when you're on your own and when you're spending time with friends and family. Put it out of sight for at least 1 hour per day and be present!

Bottom line: The holidays can be stressful, don't add unnecessary stress, set yourself up for success!

If this was helpful and you want more guidance and more specific strategies, checkout my "Holiday Survival Guide."

For more challenging situations, book a 1:1 —> email me if you’d like to request a session.

What’s YOUR favorite holiday tip? Lmk in the comments!

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