Want to be Happier and Healthier in 2024? Do These 3 Things Daily.

Want to be Happier and Healthier in 2024? Do These 3 Things Daily.

Did you know that our thoughts, routines, and neural pathways significantly impact our daily experiences?

If you want to improve your life, you need to dedicate time to these 3 powerhouse areas: wellness, mindset, and relationships.

The Power of Our Thoughts - Repeat or Evolve

Let's start with a surprising fact: we tend to replay the same thoughts, about 90% to 95%, every single day. That's like hitting the replay button on yesterday's script! Living in this cycle can hinder growth and keep us anchored in the past, hindering our potential to thrive.

Our brains crave familiarity and routine—it's their comfort zone. But here's the thing: about 70% of our ingrained thought patterns lean towards negativity and disempowerment. That means, unknowingly, many of us are stuck in a loop of counterproductive thinking.

If 70% of your thoughts and beliefs are disempowering and you’re playing them on a loop day after day, it’s going to be very difficult to make positive changes.

So, what's the remedy? You have to steer your mind onto fresh pathways.

We need to nudge ourselves towards intentional, positive thoughts to spark growth and transformation.

And most of all, we have to be PROACTIVE!

How do you do this? By using the Power of 3!

Start Here: Time Audit

Before diving in, let's take a moment for reflection and clarity.

  1. Make a list of all the things taking up your time right now.

  2. Make a list of the people most important to you.

  3. List some goals, personal & professional.

  4. Compare your goals with what’s currently taking up your time.

  5. What are some negative thoughts or beliefs you want to let go of? What are some new beliefs you want to cultivate?

Now, armed with this self-awareness, let's harness the power of daily habits to shape our lives positively.

Wellness: Nurture Your Body and Soul

Take just 15 minutes a day to care for your well-being. Here are a few ideas:

  • Eat nourishing food and reduce sugar intake.

  • Prioritize adequate sleep.

  • Spend time in sunshine and nature.

  • Be intentional about your time and improve time management.

Mindset: Guide Your Thoughts, Ignite Your Future

Challenge the status quo of your thoughts. Dedicate just 15 minutes daily to:

  • Meditate and/or visualize to center your mind.

  • Repeat affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs. Read more about how to create powerful affirmations.

  • Practice gratitude.

  • Celebrate your wins, no matter how small.

Relationships: Cultivate Connections Daily

Invest 15 minutes each day in nurturing your connections:

  • Connect with a friend or loved one at least once per day, even with a simple gratitude text.

  • Aim for at least one hug daily to foster emotional bonds.

  • Dedicate at least 15 minutes of quality time and meaningful connection with a loved one once a week.

  • If you want to improve your romantic relationship, check out the Relationship Workbook.

These small daily investments hold immense power in reshaping our experiences.

If you want to supercharge your journey towards a radiant life, consider the "Inner Glow Method On-Demand" program. It's designed to guide you through these practices and unlock your inner brilliance, making consistent progress towards a happier, healthier you.

It's time to break free from the loop of familiar but limiting thoughts. Let's step into 2024 with intention, positivity, and a commitment to our well-being.

Here's to your inner glow and a vibrant, fulfilling year ahead!



P.S. Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Dive into the "Inner Glow Method On-Demand" program and ignite your path towards lasting happiness and wellness!

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