7 Ways to Win Your Morning and Improve Your Life

7 Ways to Win Your Morning and Improve Your Life

Are you one of those people who pick up your phone and start looking at emails or social media first thing in the morning?!

I did this for years but once I made changes - I felt an immediate difference!

If you’re one of these people too, you’re not alone - over 70% of Americans do this and numerous studies have shown it’s bad for our health - mental and physical.

Your morning sets the tone for your day… the good news is, with intention your mornings can transform your day - and with consistency, your life!

Here are a few tips to start your day on a healthier note, as well as a few free resources!

I try to do all of these every morning - and if I can’t, at the minimum I do at least a few, whichever feel right that day. (Healthy habits can become ruts too, don’t be so strict with yourself that this feels like a chore.)

  1. Put your phone away at night

    Of all of the things on this list, this is THE MOST CRUCIAL!

    Keep your phone in a different room or on the opposite side of your room. For an alarm, use an old phone, tablet, or even a traditional clock.

  2. Drink a glass of water

    Drinking a glass of water that’s room temp or ideally warm has so many benefits! From hydrating you, to waking up your metabolism, to helping your digestive system, and more!

  3. Do a meditation or reflection

    Whether it's a gratitude practice, writing, meditation, prayer or other reflection, even 5 minutes is beneficial. Here’s a short 14-minute meditation & affirmation session to help you start your day!

  4. Listen to music with a positive message

    Music is exceptionally powerful! It can change our mood and uplift our spirits. And music stays with us, it becomes imprinted in our memories!

    Listen to instrumental music or listen to music with a positive message. What you listen to (especially on repeat) can become part of your subconscious programming… make sure you’re programming the right messages!

  5. Get a quick win

    Make your bed or complete an easy task you *get to do* (vs. something you “have” to do) that will set you up with a quick win. Look at it as a mental signal that you’ve already done something (1) for yourself and (2) to succeed for the day.

  6. Move your body

    Resist the urge to get out of bed and walk right to your computer. Get your blood flowing even for a few minutes! Go for a walk, workout, stretch, or do yoga. BONUS if you can get outside!

  7. Set your priorities for the day first

    Resist the urge to check email or social media. Prioritize what needs to be done vs. letting distractions or non-urgent items dictate your day.

These are just a few examples, feel free to integrate your own as well!

No matter how you start your day, do it intentionally! Even if it’s just one minute of conscious deep breathing.

If you have any questions, leave a comment below or reach out here.

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