Your Purpose in Life

Too often, many of us (me included) spend our time rushing around, striving for more - to do more or to be more. While striving to grow is healthy, there is also a point where striving becomes unhealthy. (As with all habits, anything can become unhealthy or detrimental in excess.)

🤨 What if your “purpose” here on this planet isn’t necessarily 1 specific thing - like teaching, or playing a sport, or an instrument, your occupation, or helping others, etc. - but if it was to ENJOY your life? (Have you seen the animated movie “Soul”? If not, I highly recommend!)

🧐 How would that change how you operate?
What things you feel you “have” to do could you not do?

🤓 You can still do and accomplish plenty with this mindset. I’m not saying quit everything and party all the time. But I challenge you to ask yourself, “am I enjoying this?” for all the things in your life and see what you might be able to let go of…

⏳Create more time for your life. To slow down and savor each moment. To spend quality time with the people you love. To live more fully.

😕 If the answer is “I’ll be happy when it’s over…” or “I’ll be glad when ____.” You might want to check yourself. Just chasing a goal is going to leave you very unhappy if you don’t enjoy the journey. Can you reframe your perspective on that thing? Or do you need to say no to it altogether?

🙏 I hope you savor your life, my friend.

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