What do certain colors mean?

What do certain colors mean?

Seeing different colors show up in meditations or nature can mean a lot of different things.

Pay attention to colors that show up multiple times per day in unique ways, the universe might be trying to tell you something!

Here is an interpretation from a source I trust - Ted Andrews, author of “Animal Speak” and many other books.

Color - Positive Qualities

Black - protection, birth, magic

Blue - happiness, calm, truth

Brown - grounded, new growth

Green - growth, healing, abundance

Grey - initiation, imagination

Orange - warmth, joy, creativity

Red - sex, passion, strength

Violet - alchemy, humility, spirit

White - purity, sharing, truth

Yellow/gold- communication, optimism, inspiration

Color - Negative Qualities

Black - secretiveness, sacrifice

Blue - depression, loneliness

Brown - lack of discrimination

Green - uncertain, miserly, greed

Grey - imbalance, secretiveness

Orange - pride, agitation, worry

Red - anger, aggression, impulse

Violet - obsession, misunderstood

White - scattered, overextended

Yellow/gold - needing clarification, over criticalness

Colors & Chakras

Colors are also associated with the 7 primary chakras.

The associations are as follows, from the base of the spine to the top of the scull:

Root chakra - red - safety, survival, energy, stability, comfort

Sacral chakra - orange - sociability, sensuality, sexuality, pleasure

Solar Plexus chakra - yellow - strength, personality, power, determination, willpower

Heart chakra - green - love, compassion, acceptance, sincerity

Throat chakra - light blue - communication, inspiration, expression, creativity, truth

Third Eye chakra - dark blue / indigo - intuition, clarity, trust, meditation

Crown chakra - purple / violet - spirituality, connection to source & higher self, knowledge, fulfillment

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