Morning Routines, Rules, & Habits

Morning Routines, Rules, & Habits

Did you know that your morning habits determine your outlook on the day, your energy levels, and your ability to focus & be productive?! And you don’t need an energy drink or magic pills to make it happen!

Establishing healthy habits in the morning is a GAME-CHANGER in life, and it’s a super easy and highly effective change you can make.

A few tips to create a supportive morning routine:

  • Be intentional with your time and your outlook, you can make any activity better by telling yourself you are doing it for YOU and it’s a “win” - even things as simple as brushing your teeth or making your bed!

  • Create rules and boundaries that work for you, you don’t have to go overboard. Elaborate plans won’t stick long term. It’s best to start small and with a few things and get used to it then you can add on.

  • Even if you have kids, give yourself at LEAST 5-10 minutes at the beginning of your day for YOU. Because when you take care of yourself and feel good, you’re going to show up as a better parent - and partner, coworker, etc.!

  • Mostly, DON’T start the day by looking at your phone - whether it’s email, text, work stuff, or social media.

Here is my morning routine that I’ve perfected for myself over the years, to give you an idea of how you can create your own:

  • Limit phone time, no emails/texts/social/work for the first 30 min, at least!

    • PRO TIP: Don’t use your phone as your alarm clock. Keep your phone away from your bed and use an actual alarm clock or an old ipad or phone that isn’t “connected” to distractions.

  • Make the bed!

  • Drink a cup of warm water + 2 TBSP of organic apple cider vinegar.

  • Write down at least 3 things I’m grateful for.

  • Write down at least 3 affirmation statements.

  • Meditate and/or journal, depending on time. (Often I meditate on my walk.)

    • Here is a 14 minute guided meditation & affirmation exercise I created and often use in the morning!

    • Additional recommendation: I have friends and have read about others reading in the morning, this is a great practice too! Just depends on your goals and what resonates with you.

  • Go on a 1 mile walk. If it’s raining really hard, I move inside for at least 10 min.

  • Listen to positive music - the lyrics you listen to matter!

  • Enjoy my delicious morning tea-like drink, I drink MUD\WTR + collagen powder 90 minutes after I wake. (There is science to suggest that waiting 90-120 minutes after you wake to drink caffeine will help you avoid the afternoon crash.)

    • Did you know drinking something warm in the morning helps you “wake up”, gets your metabolism going, and warms your body to help prepare you for more optimal performance?

  • Review my calendar for the day ahead.

  • Prioritize my day / tasks I need to accomplish.

What are some of your morning habits that help you be your BEST you?

Make it a great day, friends!

Sending love and hugs,


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