Weekly Relationship Check-In Questions

Weekly Relationship Check-In Questions

Check out the updated & expanded Check-in Questions, plus Relationship Rhythms, Communication Tips, and more in my new Relationship Workbook! Learn more.


Use these 7 questions with your partner weekly to help you improve your relationship, decrease resentment, and better support each other!

Implementing this weekly rhythm has drastically improved our relationship. Doing a monthly check-in is far too long, things come up, we don’t remember, and we were more prone to resentment and little fights.

Great relationships don’t happen on accident, couples who are happy build in proactive routines to stay happy and healthy long-term.

Think about your professional life… You likely do weekly or monthly check-ins with your manager, quarterly reviews, performance reviews, and yearly planning. They (usually) help us give constructive feedback, set expectations, and help us grow & achieve our goals. But we often don’t apply these principles to our personal and romantic lives.

In order to have a fulfilling, respectful romantic relationship, we need to clearly communicate expectations, priorities, and goals - both personal and as a couple. We also need to be able to give feedback to have the change to make improvements.

By doing the following weekly check-in, you have a specific time to discuss your relationship - whether it’s the wins or the issues or challenges. Too often, we hold our expectations and feelings inside, letting them bubble up or burst out when that could be avoided.

This exercise a great way to discuss challenges respectfully, become more connected, and strengthen your relationship.

Weekly Relationship Check-in Best Practices:

  • Schedule this time in advance each month, make sure it’s on both your calendars/radar - this shouldn’t be a “surprise” for either of you.

  • Take turns answering, both partners should answer each question.

  • Set aside at least 15 minutes of distraction-free and interruption-free time. That means if you have kids, they are in bed or being cared for by someone else.

  • Have your check-in in a safe space. You should be doing this where you both feel comfortable to share - a restaurant or public space is not ideal. The purpose of a check-in is not the same as a date night.

  • The check-in should not replace date-night or quality time spent together. Think of this as a separate category of your relationship.

  • Listen & acknowledge. Give each partner the space to share their feelings: listen and acknowledge them before giving any comments or rebuttal. If you are interested in improving your communication & listening skills, checkout my new Relationship Workbook.

  • Stay curious! Each of us has a different perspective, your partner can interpret a situation very differently from you. We each have different romantic histories that contribute to our current state of being & beliefs.

  • Remember: You are on the same team! It’s you + them vs. the problem, not you vs them. This shift alone is HUGE!

Weekly Relationship Check-in Questions:

1. What’s something I did this week that you appreciated?

2. What is something I did this week that made you feel loved?

3. What went well in our relationship this week?

4. What went poorly this week? How can we fix it?

5. How has our communication been this week? How can we improve?

6. What do you have coming up this week? What plans do we have together?

7. Anything else you want to share?

If you enjoyed this, you’ll love the full Relationship Workbook, including:

  • Monthly Check-in Questions

  • Relationship Rhythms you need to implement

  • Reflection Exercises

  • Communication Tips

  • Relationship Manifesto

  • Over 20 Educational Resources

  • and more!

Only $14! Click here to learn more.

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