All in love

80 Affirmations and Mantras for Positive Change and Abundance

Affirmation statements are extremely powerful tools when it comes to programming - or re-programming - our minds. When we focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want, we give life to our new desires rather than living in the past. The best affirmation statement for YOU will be something that resonates with you - use words that you like and make it your own!

Intentional Gift-Giving

Amidst the holiday rush, many of us find ourselves in a whirlwind, scrambling to discover the perfect gifts for our loved ones—be it friends, family, or colleagues. Amidst this hustle and bustle, there's an opportunity to embrace a more intentional approach to the holiday season. Explore these tips and tricks to reclaim your time and infuse more meaning into your holiday celebrations!

8 Movie Quotes that Make Great Life Advice

I LOVE a good movie. Especially movies that have deeper meanings and teach valuable lessons about life. Here are a few of the memorable and poignant quotes from movies that had an impact on me and are great life lessons / life advice. I guarantee there’s something for everyone on this list and might even give you an idea for your next movie night!

One of the most powerful forces in the human psyche is our need to stay consistent with who we believe we are. Unfortunately, when we’re trying to make changes or improvements in our life, this can be very detrimental. PSYCH-K® can help you re-program your subconscious beliefs AND come into a whole-brain state so you can function more optimally and utilize the full capacity of your brain!