All in goals

Left vs. Right Brain Dominance: Which is Better? Plus: How to Increase Your Intelligence & Why a Whole-Brain State is Important

What does it mean if we’re more creative vs. analytical? Better at math or science vs. being a great artist? ultra competitive vs. losing focus? or being spur-of-the-moment spontaneous vs. having a five-year plan? In this article we’ll explore these topics, plus you’ll learn how you can increase your intelligence, be more at peace, become more successful, and address negative thought patterns.

4 Things (Most) Teams Need to Improve

In order to function at their highest potential, teams need to collaborate and each individual needs to bring their best self to the table. Whether it’s in your office, the boardroom, your family room, on a court or field, most “teams” could benefit by improving the 4 skills outlined below. As they say, “teamwork makes the dreamwork!”

Here is a list of goal statements that can be done as part of the PSYCH-K® Balance Process. The categories are: Confidence, Self-Worth, & Self-Esteem, Health & Body, Relationships, Anxiety, Monetary Abundance, Spirituality, and Grief. You may note that these goal statements are very similar to affirmations. You can certainly use them as affirmations if you like, a Balance is far more powerful than an affirmation though!