All tagged self-love

Valentine’s Day: Embrace Your Freedom to Celebrate Your Way - No Matter Your Relationship Status

Discover the freedom of Valentine’s Day! Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or in a complicated situation, embrace the power to shape the day as you wish. Whether you opt for grand gestures, self-love, or ignoring the holiday altogether, there’s no wrong way to celebrate. Learn from personal experiences and celebrate in a way that feels genuine to you. Remember, you deserve love and fulfillment, regardless of your choices.

80 Affirmations and Mantras for Positive Change and Abundance

Affirmation statements are extremely powerful tools when it comes to programming - or re-programming - our minds. When we focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want, we give life to our new desires rather than living in the past. The best affirmation statement for YOU will be something that resonates with you - use words that you like and make it your own!

Here is a list of goal statements that can be done as part of the PSYCH-K® Balance Process. The categories are: Confidence, Self-Worth, & Self-Esteem, Health & Body, Relationships, Anxiety, Monetary Abundance, Spirituality, and Grief. You may note that these goal statements are very similar to affirmations. You can certainly use them as affirmations if you like, a Balance is far more powerful than an affirmation though!