All in mindset

8 Movie Quotes that Make Great Life Advice

I LOVE a good movie. Especially movies that have deeper meanings and teach valuable lessons about life. Here are a few of the memorable and poignant quotes from movies that had an impact on me and are great life lessons / life advice. I guarantee there’s something for everyone on this list and might even give you an idea for your next movie night!

Confession: I used to be competitive about Yoga. Here's why it was extremely detrimental to my health...

Confession: I used to be competitive when I did Yoga — the OPPOSITE of what you’re supposed to do! The danger with being too competitive or serious - whether in yoga, other sports, or in life in general - is that you create additional tension and stress in your body. So instead of yoga being a helpful activity, it can actually cause more harm - to your mind and body - with an overly-competitive mindset.

Left vs. Right Brain Dominance: Which is Better? Plus: How to Increase Your Intelligence & Why a Whole-Brain State is Important

What does it mean if we’re more creative vs. analytical? Better at math or science vs. being a great artist? ultra competitive vs. losing focus? or being spur-of-the-moment spontaneous vs. having a five-year plan? In this article we’ll explore these topics, plus you’ll learn how you can increase your intelligence, be more at peace, become more successful, and address negative thought patterns.