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Stress and Burnout Assessment

Stress and Burnout are real and can affect our mental health, our performance, and our relationships. Analyze your stress levels with this free assessment. Sometimes high stress levels can become our “baseline” for existing and we aren’t able to recognize it because it has become “normal” for us!

Top 11 Tips & Tools for Student-Athletes

Want to be more successful in your sport and in school? Don’t leave things to chance or luck. I’ve worked with thousands of Student-Athletes and collected my Top 11 Tips & Tools based on their feedback and biggest struggles. These are proven, science-backed strategies & methods that will help you succeed!

20 Questions Coaches Should Be Asking Their Athletes

In the Corporate world, most companies and teams set goals, have tasks to complete, have weekly or monthly check-ins with managers and employees, do quarterly reviews, yearly performance reviews, and yearly planning. But these principles aren’t always applied in Athletic settings. In fact, I’m often shocked by how disconnected Athletic teams are.