The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit

The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit

A tree doesn’t grow overnight. Neither will you or your dreams. It takes time, combined with hard work, dedication, consistency.

Starting isn’t the hard part… It’s the consistency.

It’s showing up every day. Putting the work in every day. It’s something we all struggle with - myself included - because of all the external and internal factors facing us.

To diminish this struggle and increase your chances of success, think about what you can do to create structure…

  • How can you optimize your day in order to execute on the things that really matter?

  • How can you limit distractions?

  • How can you create better habits?

Take a minute to position yourself in the best way possible. You’ll save so much time and energy. Then you can feast!

If you’re interested in learning more about consistency and time management techniques, check out my on-demand course: Core Values Workshop - it will change the way you think about your life!

"I am beautiful": Struggles with body image insecurity

Shift Your Focus

Shift Your Focus