All in business

Tax Titans Ambassador Lo Myrick

Two things are inevitable in life: death and taxes. Whether you are a Tax Preparer looking for an easy and secure way to grow your business, a Business Owner who needs their taxes done, or someone with a W2 that wants to ensure they get the highest return, you can retain more of your hard-earned income with Tax Titans!

Work-Life Balance Quiz

Too often, we get caught up in the day-to-day grind that we don't even realize something is wrong or how tired we are. I created this assessment as a personal inventory for you, to give you valuable insight into your habits, where your energy is being drained, and the impact to your overall wellness.

6 Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness | The Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness isn’t about clearing your mind and having ZERO thoughts. It’s about becoming the observer of thoughts rather than the thinker of them. In this article, you will learn the benefits of Mindfulness and 6 ways you can start practicing Mindfulness NOW! Reduce your stress, improve your happiness, increase your job satisfaction, and more with Mindfulness!

Left vs. Right Brain Dominance: Which is Better? Plus: How to Increase Your Intelligence & Why a Whole-Brain State is Important

What does it mean if we’re more creative vs. analytical? Better at math or science vs. being a great artist? ultra competitive vs. losing focus? or being spur-of-the-moment spontaneous vs. having a five-year plan? In this article we’ll explore these topics, plus you’ll learn how you can increase your intelligence, be more at peace, become more successful, and address negative thought patterns.

4 Things (Most) Teams Need to Improve

In order to function at their highest potential, teams need to collaborate and each individual needs to bring their best self to the table. Whether it’s in your office, the boardroom, your family room, on a court or field, most “teams” could benefit by improving the 4 skills outlined below. As they say, “teamwork makes the dreamwork!”

How well do you listen?

Every single one of us wants to be heard, but if we don’t start truly listening to each other, we will continue to be disconnected in this ever-growing online world. Meaningful conversations are the key to connection. And good conversations start with the willingness to listen. So what does it mean to be a good listener?