Real Self-Love


Self-love is more than going to the spa and #treatyoself… true self-love is a daily practice in the way we speak to and about ourselves and how we feel about ourselves, whether or not anyone is watching.
When we start with self love, we are able to be authentically ourselves: to show up as the best & most comfortable version of ourselves. When you walk through life as your true self, magical things start to happen!
And if you’re still not convinced, know that you must feel complete before you can truly love or be loved by anyone. Seeking external sources to fill your heart will NEVER leave you satisfied. You may have temporary moments of joy, but not true happiness. To be fulfilled, we must start with filling ourselves, filling our own hearts.
Some questions to ask to reflect on your self-love state: If you were in a relationship with yourself, what kind of relationship would it be? Would you treat your lover this way? Would you want to be treated this way? Are you your own best friend or are you a bully? What’s your inner dialogue? Do you feel like you can be yourself around close friends, family, and colleagues? Do you seek happiness in other people or things?
Start to take notice of your dialogue and define more positive things you can say to build yourself up! You’ll start to catch yourself saying things that aren’t supportive, and that’s great! It’s part of the change process. Once you become aware, you can begin to make adjustments. Even just a small mindset shift can make a HUGE impact.
CHALLENGE: Look at yourself in the mirror for 1 minute, with appreciation, no judgement. At the end of a minute say “I love you” OUTLOUD and give yourself one component. You can do it. You owe it to yourself! Hit me with a ❤️ in the comments if you’re IN!
Love and hugs my friends! 🤗
📷: my sweet Sis @janeybworld - you always inspire me & remind me to do this! 

Before You Make Any Resolutions or Set Any Goals, Do This Exercise

How often are you canceling appointments with yourself?