All tagged mindset

6 Easy Ways to Practice Mindfulness | The Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness isn’t about clearing your mind and having ZERO thoughts. It’s about becoming the observer of thoughts rather than the thinker of them. In this article, you will learn the benefits of Mindfulness and 6 ways you can start practicing Mindfulness NOW! Reduce your stress, improve your happiness, increase your job satisfaction, and more with Mindfulness!

Confession: I used to be competitive about Yoga. Here's why it was extremely detrimental to my health...

Confession: I used to be competitive when I did Yoga — the OPPOSITE of what you’re supposed to do! The danger with being too competitive or serious - whether in yoga, other sports, or in life in general - is that you create additional tension and stress in your body. So instead of yoga being a helpful activity, it can actually cause more harm - to your mind and body - with an overly-competitive mindset.